DEVOIRS DE MEMOIRE – was created by peoples who always attended by mourners from abroad by providing them with moral and technical support in this difficult time.

As foreigner, to be buried in Israel request a huge personal effort, big money investment and despite that, it is not easy to get a plot. Many foreign Jewish families would like to buy in their life a plot or to bury their relative in Israel but cannot afford it and realized their wish.

Our target is to make accessible the buying of plots and provide as much as we can, affordable solutions and very reasonable prices to any Jew in the world that wants to be buried in Israel.

 An English-speaking, Israel-based organization set up to facilitate the hassle-free purchasing of burial plots in Israel by Jews in the Diaspora. We offer twenty-four hour service to arrange transport of casket to Israel. We ease the difficulties of recently bereaved families by making all the practical arrangements at their time of need. We arrange for the erection of the tombstone and, if necessary, for kaddish to be said.



 After the coming of the Messiah, our sages teach us that all the dead will rise to Eretz Israel even those who were buried outside. However, for the latter, the body roll until Eretz Israel. To avoid this suffering, Jews prefer to be buried in Eretz Israel.


We learn from our patriarch Yaakov. Before dying, he swore his son Joseph to do out of Egypt after his death and burial in the tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in Eretz Israel. Rashi explains the verse of Paragraph 47 verse 29 “Al Na Tikbéréni Bemitsrayim” until the resurrection, the bodies are not buried in Eretz israel will run underground until Eretz Israel before returning to life. Yaacov and also wants to avoid this torment.


From a legal point of view, in most European countries including France and Belgium, it is granted a burial plot. It is a location in a cemetery which you can buy usage but not the field. The act specifies that concessions are the beneficiaries and the duration and only the latter are entitled to renew the lease. At maximum, the concession is 50 years. Beyond this period, the grave is destroyed and emptied of its contents. This is not the case in Eretz Israel where all land and graves are granted in perpetuity.

On top of this, at light of recent anti-Semitic events worldwide and desecration of our cemeteries, being buried in Eretz Israel is the best solution to preserve the grave and the memory of the family.

Facing numerous challenges as problem of exhumation in French cemeteries, desecrated cemeteries in Algeria or other countries, our mission is to look for the best solutions to keep the Kavod Hamet.

Thanks to the support of the highest rabbinical authorities, we intend to provide in full respect of the halacha and the deceased the best solutions.

1 – To welcome our fellow believers who died to be buried in Eretz Israel at a democratic cost

2 – Allow families living in Israel (new immigrants …) or abroad to repatriate a close deceased


DEVOIRS DE MEMOIRE – was created by peoples who always attended by mourners from abroad by providing them with moral and technical support in this difficult time.

As foreigner, to be buried in Israel request a huge personal effort, big money investment and despite that, it is not easy to get a plot. Many foreign Jewish families would like to buy in their life a plot or to bury their relative in Israel but cannot afford it and realized their wish.
Our target is to make accessible the buying of plots and provide as much as we can, affordable solutions and very reasonable prices to any Jew in the world that wants to be buried in Israel.

An English-speaking, Israel-based organization set up to facilitate the hassle-free purchasing of burial plots in Israel by Jews in the Diaspora. We offer twenty-four hour service to arrange transport of casket to Israel. We ease the difficulties of recently bereaved families by making all the practical arrangements at their time of need. We arrange for the erection of the tombstone and, if necessary, for kaddish to be said.

1 – To welcome our fellow believers who died to be buried in Eretz Israel at a democratic cost

2 – Allow families living in Israel (new immigrants …) or abroad to repatriate a close deceased

For any assistance or information, please contact us.

Devoirs de Mémoire

Contact: Gérard Pomper

42 Burla Street
Tel-Aviv 69364 – ISRAEL

ISRAEL : 050 756 1824
Email: email adresse
